Jacob ‘Zeke’ Szekely flew halfway across the world to test the latest Wave Garden Wavepool in South Korea. He instantly became a star in Korea and got some insane waves with Kai and Hans Odriozola!
Big thanks to @wavegarden_official & @wavepark__ South Korea for making this happen!
" They made the section by actually anchoring an obstruction to the bottom of the pool. Depending on how fast you race to the section and if you go outward or inward rotation you can choose to land in different spots. There’s also kind of a softer point if you hit the section early and project out and clear the section like you see Kai and Hans doing. I would do a turn or try and stall at the first point of the wave to try and purposefully hit the section as late as possible. To be honest, I’ve never been good at alleyoops and the fact that I was able to stomp a couple full-rotation ones on that section was amazing to me. It’s pretty sick for variations of tweaked straight airs as well. "
Read the full article on stab here.
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Portugal by Eleven Pond
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